Want to reach 2000+ strategists with your role?

Outside Perspective is a community project, with thousands of independent strategists.

We invite you to share your briefs with our community - to help you find talented individuals to collaborate with.

Promoted briefs are live until you've found your person.

Hiring directly?

Post for free.
Donate if you're happy.
email us


Post for £149+VAT.
Or chat for a deal.
email us


If you are hiring for this role directly, ie. you are looking for a freelancer for your own organisation, you are the client, you may use this service for free. You're welcome to support the project via a donation if you find this service helpful.

If you are hiring on behalf of another organisation, ie. a recruiter or intermediate party, a fee of £149+VAT will be due before the brief is shared.

Once you've provided us with full details of the role, we'll post this on the community. Interested members will get in contact with you directly (unless you've asked us to curate the response).

We cannot guarantee that you will be able to find a suitable candidate via our community, nor do we guarantee or hold any liability for any work or actions taken by any individuals you may be connected with via our community.

Any individuals you choose to work with must be contracted directly with you, we do not act as an intermediate or third party in your contract.

If you wish to use our service, we ask that you respect the Freelance Friendly policy framework.

Any negative feedback from our members or behaviours like ghosting may lead to us no longer accepting your briefs.